The top 10 graduate business schools in Europe (based on FT rankings). Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking. Know the average salary and courses offered by the schools.

Table of Contents

Best Business Schools in the World

RankBusiness SchoolCountryMBA salary today ($)Executive MBA 2008EMBA salary today ($)#Female FacultyInternational FacultyFaculty with doctorate
1HEC ParisFrance1,19,7392**2,97,224264192
2London Business SchoolUK1,44,9181***177,184 (295,224)228398
4IE Business SchoolSpain1,24,60041,66,412324989
6ESCP-EAP European School of ManagementFrance/UK/Germany/Spain/Italy91,44,260285587
7Iese Business SchoolSpain1,17,062141,48,717164399
8EM LyonFrance90,5323297,361253989
8Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus UniversityNetherlands1,03,43912***120,304 (182,296)1532100
10Vlerick Leuven Gent Management SchoolBelgium95,754221,08,976373098

Financial Times European Business Schools ranking 2008

Full time global MBA 2008 The position of European schools within the FT MBA 2008 ranking.
MBA salary today ($) The average MBA salary three years after graduation in US dollars. The figure is a weighted average of the final salaries from the current and two previous years.
MBA salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the beginning of the MBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted average of increases from the current and two previous years.
Executive MBA 2008 The position of European schools within the FT EMBA 2008 ranking.
EMBA salary today ($) The average EMBA salary three years after graduation in US dollars. The figure is a weighted average of the final salaries from the current and two previous years.
EMBA salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the beginning of the EMBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted average of increases from the current and two previous years.
Masters in Management 2008 The position of European schools within the FT Masters in Management 2008 ranking.
Masters in Management salary today ($) An average of salaries, three years after graduation, reported by Masters in Management alumni.
Open programmes – Executive Education 2008 The position of European schools within the FT Executive Education ranking of open programmes in 2008.
Custom programmes – Executive Education 2008 The position of European schools within the FT Executive Education ranking of customised programmes in 2008.
Female faculty (%) Percentage of faculty who are women.
International faculty (%) Percentage of faculty whose citizenship differs from their country of employment.
Faculty with doctorates (%) Percentage of faculty with a doctoral degree.