AbbreviationFull FormSizeExample
KBKilobyte1 KB = 1,024 BytesA plain text document or a small image
MBMegabyte1 MB = 1,024 KBA medium-sized image or a short MP3 audio file
GBGigabyte1 GB = 1,024 MBA movie file, several hours of high-quality video
TBTerabyte1 TB = 1,024 GBLarge databases, extensive multimedia libraries
PBPetabyte1 PB = 1,024 TBBig data storage, vast amounts of multimedia content
EBExabyte1 EB = 1,024 PBGlobal internet traffic in a day
ZBZettabyte1 ZB = 1,024 EBGlobal IP traffic in a year
YBYottabyte1 YB = 1,024 ZBHypothetical: Total data storage capacity of the world
BBBrontobyte1 BB = 1,024 YBHypothetical: Unimaginably vast data storage capacity