1. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) – founded in 1665, it is one of the oldest universities in Germany and offers a wide range of academic programs in various fields.
2. Muthesius Kunsthochschule – a renowned art and design university offering programs in architecture, fine arts, communication design, and industrial design.
3. Fachhochschule Kiel – a university of applied sciences offering programs in engineering, business, and social sciences.
4. University of Applied Sciences Europe – Kiel Campus – a private university offering programs in business, psychology, and communications.
5. Deutsche Angestellten Akademie (DAA) Kiel – a vocational training institution offering programs in business administration, healthcare, and IT.
6. European Medical School – a joint medical school of the universities of Oldenburg and Groningen, with a campus in Kiel.
7. International Maritime College Flensburg – a maritime academy offering programs in nautical science, shipping management, and maritime logistics.
8. Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) – a research institute affiliated with CAU focusing on global economic issues.
9. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology – a research institute affiliated with the Max Planck Society conducting research on evolutionary biology.
10. Senckenberg am Meer – a research institute and natural history museum focusing on marine biology and ecology.