A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 F G H I 6 7 8 9 J K L M N 10 11 12 13 14 O P Q R 15 16 17 18 S T U V 19 20 21 22 W […]
1) Analyze the type of display i.e linear , circular. 2) Set up the diagram or your frame. 3) Explore the keyword like first, last, before, after, taller , shorter etc to build your diagram horizontally or vertically. 4) Look for concrete information which will […]
Focus more on Quant and DI preparations Focus more on Quant and DI preparations Around 1/4 of the CET paper is covered with Quant and Di i.e around 45-50 marks. You must solve this problems with perfect accuracy. 1. Permutation / Combination / Probability: You […]
lets take 35 as a example just add 1 to the first number i.e 3 it’s 4 and then multiply 3 x 4 = 12 … this is the first number then square of 5 ie 25 so the final number is 1225
Practice the questions in given PDF file for getting 100% accuracy in solving the spotting the errors in MBA MAH CET. So to download the file click below. Spotting Error Questions in English Usage for MAH CET practice questions
The paper consists of 200 questions and mainly divided into three sections 1) Verbal Ability / Reasoning consists of 50 questions a) English Comprehension : 15 questions TIPS: Never leave the antonyms and synonyms questions of passages Never go through the entire passage word to […]