Table of Contents
Focus more on Quant and DI preparations
Focus more on Quant and DI preparations
Around 1/4 of the CET paper is covered with Quant and Di i.e around 45-50 marks. You must solve this problems with perfect accuracy.
1. Permutation / Combination / Probability:
You have to mug up events, arrangements and concepts of selection.
Always clear difference between probabilty is no of ways and permutation is arrangements.
In probablity : in how many ways the event occurs.
eg: spining a coin has 2 possible outcomes Head H or Tail T .
Possiblity of head is 1/2
In Permutation/Computation : in how many ways the event is arranged .
eg 3 letters ABC n=3 …. so formula is n! i.e 6
2. BODMAS and approximation questions:
You must mug up all the square roots upto 30 and cube root upto 20.
Learn tables upto 30 to speedite the calculations.
You must know the fractions i.e 1/4th of the number and percentages.
The approximations based questions can be solved verbally instead using paper and pencil .
7 + (6 × 52 + 3) such questions has to be solved verbally
like 343 is cube of 7
3. Time /Speed / Work/ Distance.
Questions are simple and generally in relative speeds, races, number of days and time taken to conplete the work. You need to be very fast in such questions .
4. Clocks and calendars :
You must know some concepts that the clock always has 360 degrees. So 1 minute makes 360/60 i.e 6 degrees.
About Calenders you must know the leap year calculations and general rule about days recognition like “divisibility by 7”.
eg : today is 3 jan 2012 which is tuesday so what day will be on 26 jan 2012 so the difference between 26 and 3 is 23 so divide it by 7 so the remainder is 2 so add 2 in 3 so its thurday.
5. Venn – Diagrams
Formulas like n(AuB) and n(AuBuc) is sufficient to solve the problems.
6. Datainterpretation
You must make your calculation part very strong . Use approximate values where there is a big difference in numbers . Make your percentage logic strong as there are number of questions based on percentages.
There are problems like percentage increase ? always use formula like
(200 – 100 / 100) * 100 to calculate percentage increase.
There are basically bar, line and pie charts come in exams and mostly given
productions / earnings / output verses years.